Friday, December 16, 2011

The "Fight to be Fit" countdown is on

The countdown is on, folks. Today, the morning of Dec. 16, I have lost 68 pounds. But I have 11 days left before I have to report my final number to the copy desk here at The Free Press, so that my year-end story for my "Fight to be Fit" can run in the Jan. 2 paper. (You'll have to look for it. The Health & Fitness page runs inside one of the two sections; not on the cover.) The C section works in advance, which is why I can't wait until New Year's Day to report my final weight-loss number.

However! You, folks -- my most dedicated and vocal supporters of my "Fight," my BLOG READERS!!! -- you will get the most up-to-date numbers. You'll get the actual Jan. 1 report, including the weight-loss total, total percentage of fat loss, loss of inches, metabolic age and more. It will all be so very exciting, I'm sure, and you can read all about it right here on New Year's Day.

I'll also post the pictures that will run in the newspaper, including before and after shots, and a funny picture of me in my old "fat pants."

So, for the newspaper, I have 11 days left to kick some butt at the gym and hopefully lose another four or five pounds, which would bring me to a respectable 72 or 73-pound loss to report. Here on the blog, I've still got a whopping 16 days to get 'er done. So who knows, maybe I'll be able to claim a 75-pound loss to you by New Year's Day.

I better get busy! Thanks for reading!

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